
Work stuff

My husband came down with some sort of cold this weekend. It started on Saturday, and seems to have reached its worst point today… hopefully he’ll feel better and not even worse by tomorrow.

Of course, I’ve been battling a sinus/ear thing for weeks. Two rounds of antibiotics did nothing, so I resolved to just sit it out and hope it would go away. Now that he’s sick, I figured I’d get sick(er), too. Sure enough, my head is rapidly filling and my nose won’t stop running. I feel awful.

I can’t miss any time from work. I am already going to miss somewhere around 3 hours tomorrow… and I volunteered to cover time on Friday morning for someone because I am trying to “buy back” time for my time bank. I swear, they screw us. This new system they’ve designed is SO freakin’ complicated that it’s impossible to keep track of every single moment I miss, and I can’t account for about 8 or 9 hours of time that’s missing, but I also can’t protest it because I have NO idea where it’s missing from. Ingenious on their parts, but very frustrating for us “worker bees.”

If I wind up with bronchitis I am going to have a tough time working. Hard to take calls when you’re hacking up your guts.

I don’t think they’ll fire me… I’ve heard you basically have to want to get fired, or screw up the laws during a call to get fired. Some people have -35 hours in their time banks (we can see everyone’s times - just not by name). Still, it concerns me, as getting fired is the absolute last thing I need. But I do well on my regular assessments (we get about 5 per month). Usually, I score perfect, and so I think that’s a big help. My call times are a problem… I hate that we have such strict times we’re supposed to abide by. I wind up with so many customers who have been given the run around because other people were trying to brush them off quickly. I actually want to help callers, and have a tendency to go the extra mile. It makes my callers very happy, but makes my call times suck ass. I’m thinking I’ll just have to say screw it, and not be as effective since I can’t solve a zillion issues in two minutes flat. Just know the next time you’re given the run around from a credit card company, this is why.

Okay, my head hurts too much to type anymore now. Ugh. I’m debating canceling my ultrasound for tomorrow. Driving an hour each way feeling like this will suck, and I’m not sure either of us is going to be up for… well, you know. Of course, my husband swears he’ll suck it up and get the job done (not very romantic, but one thing you learn when dealing with infertility is there is little romantic about trying to get knocked up). So, I guess I’ll keep the appointment. It will be good to know if the Clomid worked, even if we don’t “do” anything about it working.